...Not the kind of wheel you fall asleep at...

Mason Jennings at the Grog Shop

You know how when you go to see someone you REALLY like in concert, beforehand you kinda mentally tick off the songs you REALLY want them to play? Well, Mason Jennings read my mind, starting off the night with THE one song that I'd been hoping he'd play, "Summer Dress," and how often does that happen? It was a lovely harbinger of what was to come...

All I can say is if there's a heaven, Mason Jennings would be crooning away like an angel on some poofy little cloud up there. Truly. There is something so lovely and peaceful and even spiritual about his stage presence and his songs that I've never before encountered in a performer--he is so mesmerizing and hypnotic that he is able to quiet a rowdy boozed-up crowd with simply him and his guitar or keyboard. And yet seconds later, he can rile everyone up again with a bit of edgy rowdiness. I wouldn't even stoop to say he's an amazing crooner, because there's something much more centered and spiritual about his music than the lazy wistfulness that "crooning" implies. But he definitely is amazing.

Let me just say that although listening to Mason Jennings on cd is a wonderful experience--he's got a RIDICULOUS amount of absolutely lovely folk songs--seeing him live is 100 times better... There's just something about his persona and the way it plays out in his music that makes each and every song such a tiny little gem--some songs are just so moving that you can just feel your heart fall quiet, THAT'S what a powerful performer he is. There is just something remarkable and pure about his music and his persona. He is perhaps the MOST peaceful musician I've ever seen perform, and it is difficult to take your eyes off him because there is something ridiculously hypnotic about this peacefulness. And his drummer and bass player only add to this--I've never seen a band that so obviously enjoys what they're doing. They grinned at each other throughout the show, avoiding the annoying posturing that some bands seem to wallow in, and playing like joyous madmen.

I am ridiculously tired today as my sleep schedule is a bit messed up from the concert, so I am not doing the man any justice in this review. I'm kinda just rambling and only giving you a slight insight into the Mason Jennings experience. All I can say is that if he comes anywhere in your hometown, JUMP at the chance to see him, regardless of whether or not you're familiar with his music. You will be moved and entranced and come out a happy person. I have no doubt.

His home-page

A clip of one of my favorite songs

Some live MP3s

United States Global Empire Lyrics
by Mason Jennings

Our united states of america
Has quickly become a global empire
Come on
See it now for what it really is
Power hungry with nothing much to give
And violent, all in the name of freedom
Freedom is not domination
I believe freedom has got to come from within
Yes it does
And without the gun
Freedom's the ability to feel love for everyone
The empire controls the media
And media controls the world
Come on
Media is the empire's mouth
Capitalist propaganda coming out
And violence, all in the name of freedom
Freedom is not competition
I believe that freedom's got to come from within
Yes it does
Not with the gun
Freedom's the ability to feel love for everyone



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