...Not the kind of wheel you fall asleep at...

A Plethora of Randomnesses

The past two weeks have been SUPER-busy weeks for me. Monday was the first night in a long time that I didn't have plans and was able to just sit around and do nothing. But I'm not complaining... Though with busyness arises weirdness, and there's been plenty:

1. I've had lots of weird dreams this week. On Monday night, I dreamt that Adam Harvey had gotten two different quotes tattooed onto his chest ala Memento. He showed me them as he played some sorta primary school sport in some sorta primary school gym.

I also had a slightly premonitory dream about my mom's b-day: I dreamt that me, my sister Lisa, my mom and my brother went out for sushi in celebration of her birthday. While at the restaurant, my brother was unpleasant the whole time and his unpleasantness escalated into me getting into a big blow-out with him.

This actually ended up happening, though perhaps on a smaller scale. My brother apparently thinks that he can go around treating people however he wants and talking to them however he wants but that we all still have to treat him respectfully and delicately. He has gotten much too close-minded lately and expects to be able to spout off his opinion to everyone else whenever he wants but refuses to listen to anybody else in return. Well, I've reached my breaking point on this finally. He's 22 now. An adult. He needs to grow up already.

2. I am a marquee club member, thanks to a very sweet Christmas present from my very sweet Mom. Anyways, I get free passes every so often in the mail to see sneak previews. Tonight's sneak preview is for the movie Way Off Broadway and the cool thing is, the writer/director of it is gonna be speaking beforehand. I am intrigued.

3. Read a lovely poem last night: "Luna Moth" by Carl Phillips. I read a poem every night from the Poetry Daily book I got for my birthday and was quite moved by this one.

4. I also keep winning free tickets to the comedy club Hilarities. This is the third time I've won some. Eleven's won them twice. We seem to be alternating, but I haven't been comedy-free in months. Last time I was there, lame-ass Brian from "the Brian and Joe Morning Show" was the host for the night, and he swept around the room pointing out unfunny and inaccurate similarities between people in the audience and celebrities. No one laughed. But he of course zoomed in on me, calling me Avril Lavigne.

I did get a free cd out of the whole experience. And then I beat him within inches of his life with a bike chain after the show.

5. For some reason last night I was musing about the first time the fella I'm currently dating kissed me: We were sitting around, bullshitting at a local dive-bar near my apartment. I was yammering away about something when all of the sudden he just leaned over the table and kissed me super-hard. It was so unexpected and caught me so off-guard that I literally continued to talk throughout the length of the whole kiss. It didn't even hit me that he'd kissed me until like 5 minutes later. Thank god he gave me a second chance. Heh heh. (He's a good kisser.)

6. I am in love with Diet Dr. Pepper. It truly IS the only diet pop that actually tastes like its undiety counterpart.

7. Last Thursday I saw Rita Dove give a poetry reading. It was quite good.

8. I have been craving mangos lately for some reason. Here's some recipes.

9. This past Friday, I interviewed a local female tattoo artist named Natalie Roelle for an article I am writing. I came out with mixed feelings about her--she was nice in person but over the phone and through email she's been rather unpleasant. What is most intriguing to me after writing this article is that tattooing is still illegal in both South Carolina and Oklahoma. In this day and age, this truly amazes me. And the reason it's still illegal? Because certain people consider it to be a defilement of the body, the temple, which is of course not considered very Christianly. Separation of church and state? Wha-- huh?

10. I tried vegetarian sushi for the first time this past Friday. I am hooked. The Pacific East Japanese Restaurant on the corner of Coventry and Mayfield Rd. has avocado sushi that is just orgasmic. I plan on trying to make my own sushi this Saturday. Will let you know how it goes.

11. I finally cleaned out my car a bit over the weekend (really just threw away all the papers and garbage scattered about in it). An old Russian guy who was walking a toddler stood in front of my car and stared at me while I went through the motions of cleaning it out. At one point he said something to me. But it was in Russian. And as I don't speak Russian, I had no idea what he'd said. So I instead just waved at the toddler. The man continued to gawk at me for at least two more minutes and then finally wandered off.

12. For my next cooking adventure, I want to make baigan bartha--a spicy Indian eggplant dish. I have, however, been unable to find a recipe on the 'net that actually involves Indian spices. So if anyone knows of a good recipe, please pass it along.

13. Jim Jarmusch has a new movie coming out called Coffee and Cigarettes. I cannot wait to see it.

14. Last night I had a nightmare involving Cillian Murphy. I can remember nothing about it other than that it woke me up at 5:30 in the morning and the end involved two french fries that I'd written two of the numbers for my bike lock's combination on and which I'd dropped behind a washing machine and couldn't retrieve. It also involved a very large ant that was carrying around a sack of eggs in her mouth and that I was trying to catch and get rid of. Cillian Murphy has lovely eyes. And he kicks zombie-ass.



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