...Not the kind of wheel you fall asleep at...

Is Chicago, Is Not Chicago

So this weekend I was in Chicago, and my plan was to come in today and write something really damn interesting about it in my blog. But I'm super-fucking tired and out of it today because, well, I was in Chicago having a ball all weekend. So plans have changed.

Instead I will incoherently talk about the events of my weekend. (Chicago will probably be a recurring theme this week, once I am functioning a bit more coherently and eagerly.)

I like dogs.

One of the highlights of my trip is the amount of fun I had with the shower cap the hotel offered. Who'da thunk it.

Another definite definite highlight (and one of the major reasons for me having GONE there) was the Art Institute of Chicago. Eric and I had been talking about going for, like, at least a year. But it was kinda a pipe-dream kinda thing that we never thought would be recognized in the flesh. But *VOILA* wishes do come true. We spent most of Saturday afternoon roaming around in its immense halls.

One of my favorite pieces to see in the flesh was Picasso's "Old Man with a Guitar."

Click for a bigger picture

It's always been a favorite of mine, but it was AMAZING to see the actual painting and not just a print. It is 100 times more beautiful and vibrant and blue in real life.

I was also intrigued by a series of drawings by Max Klinger (an artist I'd never really come in contact with before). He had some of the most bizarre and disturbing little drawings I'd ever seen.

Click for a bigger picture

They also had a Dali painting, pastel-drawing, and several (if I remember correctly) smaller sketches. So I was pleased about this as well. And I really enjoyed the vast amount of Miro paintings they house.

(And there was also a really creepy monk-sculpture in the contemporary section that looked SO life-like that you were afraid that it was all of the sudden gonna open its eyes and reach out and touch you. Unfortunately, I cannot find a picture of this, but it probably wouldn't do it any justice anyhow.)

We also spent a good amount of time roaming around the Wicker Park area of Chicago, which was just bursting at the seams with thrift shops and vintage shops. We ate, shopped, and boozed here both Friday and Saturday.

We also ate at the original (the actual ORIGINAL) Chicago deep-dish pizza place called Gino's which was the biggest shithole ever (heh heh) but had some DAMN good pizza... The crust was almost like cornbread.

Spent a lot of time on the El. Ate at a greasy spoon on Sunday before heading back which had a DAMN good Spanish-omelette thing going on. Saw the enormous fountain at Grant Park. Walked the Magnificent Mile (which really isn't that magnificent, just sorta yuppie =). And did tons more than that but am too drained to try to remember it all.

But needless to say, it was a fun and eventful weekend.

And needless to say, I am terribly depressed to be back HERE. *sigh*

Stay tuned for more...



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