...Not the kind of wheel you fall asleep at...

Dream Weaver (Part I)

Dreams fascinate me, mostly just because I have some of the most WEIRD-ASS dreams ever. And I like the fusion between reality and imagination (and the upheaval of it) that occurs when you dream.

Anyways, I recently inquired about the bizarre dreams people have had about me. Here's a few so far...


Dream #1

i had a dream with you in it last night. you were in this weird sporting event in which you and your burly, male opponent were playing a battle game in which each of you stood in front of your own machine (a machine that looked like a bulldozer, but instead of just a shovel on the front, it had a series of rotating blades). the object of this game was for one of you to push the other into the rotating blades and get cut up. you were fighting a huge...enormous guy and he, no doubt, won, because when i came to see you after the match your arm was all cut up and bleeding and you were crying. but you were mad that you lost, too, because you said the guy didn't play fair.

Dream #2

My Mom:

when you were very little...just starting to walk...I had a dream that you were walking across a tightrope stretched over Niagara Falls, the Canadian side...
I was mortified that I couldn't get to you but you seemed oblivious to the danger.....

An Individual Who Would Like to Remain Nameless

Dream #1

I don't remember much about this one anymore. This was awhile back. In it, you had started to become involved with this guy. He was about my height, but stockier. Though I don't necessarily think it was muscle, more like pudge. He seemed nice and though I, generally, liked him, something struck me as being "off" about his personality. You asked me if I'd like to hang out, or go somewhere, with the two of you. As you said this, for some reason, I was standing behind you and I leaned forward and whispered to you that something bothered me about this guy and I didn't want to hang out with him.

You left and didn't say anything. Later on, I saw the guy in a park. It was around twilight and he had a boombox blasting music. I can't remember what song it was, but I remember thinking that it was a cover song. He was singing along to himself. I commented that it was a "great fucking song" and started singing as well. You passed by then, looking a little depressed - and maybe a little disgusted- but didn't say anything. The end.

Dream #2

Even more vague. In it, we were watching an Olympic swimming match, standing poolside. There were a bunch of other people standing around, but there was no one was in the stands. You were wearing a pink sweater. I remember because, not only was it out-of-character, but I accidentally bumped my arm against you and I remember thinking how soft it was. No one was saying anything, just watching the swimmers.

Later on, we were in an corner office, high in a skyscraper. The room we were in was empty, dark and a bit dingy. Moonlight was shining in from the huge (floor to ceiling) windows on one of the walls. In the center of the room, you had, laid out on a blanket in front of you, three huge balls which looks like red Christmas Ornaments. You put one in your mouth and told me, matter-of-factly, that it tasted like cinnamon. I thought this was odd, as how could Christmas Ornaments taste "like cinnamon." The end.

Dream #3

Very short. In this dream, I was going into a building with rotating doors. You were going through the rotating door, so I opted for the normal one, next to it. But, every time I opened it and started to step inside, you would come swinging through the door and end up a an inch or less from my face. So, I would back up and go through the door again. Once again, you were swinging through and ended up right in front of my face. This happened 3 or 4 more times. I don't remember the end.

If you've got any weird dreams about me that you'd like to pass along for me to post, drop me an email. Those of you who know me know my email address...



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