...Not the kind of wheel you fall asleep at...

Michfest 2004 (Days 1 & 2)

I've finally returned. (No applause necessary.) While I recuperate over the next week and return to my normal work-induced funk, I will be posting the journaling I did while I was at Michfest so you can read all about it. Hope you enjoy.

Day 1

Day one is over with and I'm not nearly as pumped and energized as I was last year. Maybe this is because the festival came last year at a point when my life was in an upheaval and it offered me a way of centering myself and resecuring my sense of independence. This year I am in a relationship that I couldn't be happier about. I am in love. Things are good between us. And so I don't feel an itch to run off on my own quite so much... In fact, more than anything I wish he was a big ol' dyke so I coulda dragged him with me--not seeing him for a whole week doesn't seem worth it, especially since he seems to be doing a better job centering me/calming me than being here probably will. But damn if it doesn't make me miss and appreciate him.

This is good.

I HAVE come here this year with things that I really wanna escape from, but the problem is (unlike last year) I have full knowledge that they are problems that just aren't gonna up and disappear with a *poof* while I'm here. They are just being put on hiatus for the week, and so I don't feel like I'm gonna come out quite so centered. Here's to hopin' though...

* * * *

We woke up late today--supposed to leave at 4:15 but left at 6:30. I think this actually worked out very much to our benefit as we were all much more energized and hopeful on the drive out.

--Dammit, I already have 'squito bites!--

It rained like a slit-open udder on the way here--it had me worried. But then, just as we got our car in line, grace. It cleared up and the sun poked its head out.

We were in line for over three hours, but it never seems so long. We gawked at folks, played cards, bullshit. It was good.

I am not eager to work a workshift here. Perhaps this is just because it's my first week off of work since last year at this time, and I DON'T WANNA SPEND IT WORKING!!!! I may just end up doing security for the acoustic stage overnight which, if anything like last year, will just entail me sleeping uncomfortably and fitfully on a stage-area.

I am not too pleased at the selection of workshops this year either. There seemed to be tons of better ones last year. Perhaps it is just because this year lacks the spark of novelty, but the ones I wanted to do last year I've done. And the ones I didn't have a chance to do aren't being offered this year. And I am finding myself inexplicably perturbed and disgruntled at the topics of some that are wasting perfectly good space--6th Annual Hurt by the Christian Church/Organized Religion workshop, for example. I am also feeling--dare I say it?--a wee bit marginilized this year because the workshops seem to be so lesbian-centered. This is not a fault of the festival, just something that doesn't serve much use to me--workshops on strap-ons will only do me so much good, for example, because it's only discussed in female-female scenarios. But fuck it (pun totally not intended but appreciated)--I may bite the bullet and take Back-Door Basics (an anal sex workshop--tee hee) despite the fact that it may also be a bit far-removed from my hetero lifestyle...

Ah, E. Where are ya when I need ya? ; )

I hope tomorrow will have me feeling a bit more excited. I did remember why I missed the food so much again tonight. This may make up for my other misgivings.

It's 11:20. I just went to pee outside the tent. The stars are brilliant and weaving in and out of the swaying tree branches so it looks just like each one's shooting.

This makes it worth it.

Day 2

When you're camping in the woods and it rains, you can hear the water topple down through each level of leaves before it finally hits your tent. I suppose I'd be much more appreciative of this fact though IF IT HADN'T BEEN RAINING SINCE 7 AM THIS MORNING AND MY TENT WEREN'T LEAKING EVERYWHERE AND I HADN'T HAD TO SKIP MY THREE-HOUR KUNDALINI YOGA CLASS BECAUSE OF THE WEATHER. This is definitely not zen, let me tell you. And this in turn wouldn't be so bad if I had my SO here because then we could just shag ourselves into forgetting and not giving a shit that we're laying in a messy wet nasty heap of tent with everything piled up into the middle to keep it dry.

It better stop raining soon and get sunny, dammit!

* * * *

Almost 8:30 PM and it's still raining. My tent is a big damp heap. Each time I come in I have to clean up another dozen streams and puddles with toilet paper. It is also cold which is making us ALL crabby. It really better warm up and stop raining because I don't think we'll make it through five more days of this. At least I won't.

I want to yoga tomorrow, for God's sake! And I want sun on my tits before I leave or else an ass-kicking is in store.

* * * *

11:45. Still raining. I just "brushed" my teeth with a moist towelette that was given to me by E over a year ago. Weird how these things come in handy at the strangest of times.

If I wake up in a puddle, I'm gonna hurt someone.

Workshops I took today:

Oops. I lied. I didn't take any workshops today...

Performances I saw today:

  • C. C. Carter

  • Deb Filler in "Filler Up!"

  • Films I Saw Tonight at the Film Fest:

  • Michigan Fever!

  • The Nearly Unadventurous Life of Zoe Cadwaulder

  • April's Shower
  • Labels:



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