...Not the kind of wheel you fall asleep at...

Michfest (Days 5 & 6)

Day 5

I had THE freakiest experience in my camping history happen to me last night. I got jostled awake by what sounded like the plastic bags in my tent being rattled about. Since I've been having weird shit show up in my tent all week [salamander, spiders, etc.], it freaked me out, so after listening to the sound of footsteps which appeared to be coming from INSIDE my tent, I scrambled a bit hysterically for my eyeglasses and light, skittering back as far as I could from my bags. There was nothing IN my tent [thankfully] but I could hear footsteps (of an animal sort--as LEAST as big as a coon) circling my tent and apparently trying to find its way in. Finally after about five minutes I could sorta hear it wandering off. I of course had to pee terribly from being freaked out, but I also of course had no desire to be crouching in the dark with some freaky ass-biting animal with my lovely little cootch hanging out. Sweet relief FINALLY at the port-a-pots this morning.

* * * *

Let me prepare this with the following:

1) I DO think Michfest is a very useful, necessary, and pleasurable place, [so what I'm about to say is not intended to undercut any of this or imply that the festival is silly and/or idiotic, so please don't misunderstand].

2) Those of you who know me and (fortunately? unfortunately?) have had the opportunity to argue with me on occasion KNOW that I usually find myself defending radical feminism--arguing that while I may not AGREE with its tenets/views, I DO in fact still think it serves a great usefulness/purpose in today's society. I still believe this.

That being said, it frightens me to my very core to see women who are apparently unable to differentiate between a feminism that helps and a feminism that harms, between fighting against oppression so that women may have equal rights vs. portraying white males in generalities and stereotypes [that we would condemn if directed at us] and condemning white males across the board when what they SHOULD be condemning is the INSTITUTION OF PATRIARCHY.

This is what the first act of Hothead Paisan: (Homicidal Lesbian Terrorist), the play by Animal Prufrock that was put on tonight (based on the comic book character by Dianne DiMassa), was all about. And I could feel myself stiffen and clam up even after the first ten minutes. [(Not to mention that the musical just kinda stunk REGARDLESS of its politics--it had decent songs but it had no driving force or any semblance of a plotline for those unfamiliar with the comic.)]

In it, men are embraced as/depicted as stereotypes and only stereotypes--rapists, anti-lesbians, etc. And the only route the protagonist sees herself able to take against them is one of violence.

[These feelings of violence may accurately depict the outlet that many (but not all) women's frustrations take. But the portrayals of males do not allow for any sorta complexity in understanding them. And THAT is the route of its failure really. It is easy to hate something that is flat and uncomplicated--it is easy to hate the individual when essentially you are forcing them to symbolize a larger and more destructive institution.

As women, we would take offense to being stereotyped as gossipy and emotional and whatnot. These characteristics may be true for some women, but they are not accurate ACROSS THE BOARD. And that's the point. The same can be said for white males. Yes, there are white male rapists and yes there are white male lesbian-haters. But this does not accurately depict ALL males. And if the intent is to symbolize "patriarchy" THROUGH the male characters, it is a misguided one. Attack the institution, not ALL the individuals.]

[I think part of the problem is that the musical was first presented at an all women's music festival. There was no room for the "opposing" voice to be heard, no one to stand up for it and/or feel marginilized by it. And perhaps had there been workshops, perhaps if Animal or her crazy sidekick Susan Powter had offered up an opportunity to actually DISCUSS the play instead of just lounging about sucking up people's praise, I wouldn't have objected quite so much. But there wasn't. Not that the feelings in the play AREN'T legit in many ways. But I just feel that the voice/opinions expressed were wholeheartedly latched onto by everyone watching SIMPLY BECAUSE there was no hint of an opposing viewpoint present to challenge the views.]

Again, I must repeat: I understand the frustration among plenty of woman that this leaning towards violence reveals. And I understand and agree with the fact that it MAY in fact take violence (in thought, in word, and maybe even in deed sometimes) to bring about change if the only other option is quiet complacency. This is the reason I am intrigued by and in awe of bands like Tribe 8. Violence in thought and in word is not always a bad thing.

But if WE do not want to be stereotyped as WOMEN, if the lesbian community here doesn't want to be stereotyped as "dykes" and whatnot, if we want to be recognized for our individual (and maybe even our collective) beauty as women, then we must extend the same courtesy to males. To demonize males, lumping all of them into the category of white privileged male [which IS partially true--yes, they DO have a privilege that they need to be made aware of--but to DEMONIZE them because this is what they are while neglecting to note that many of them seek to actively help out the plight of women and lesbians] only commits the same crime it condemns. And what is the point of that?

Phew. Now that I've vented... the other things I did today:

  • I took an early morning Qigong class--I really enjoyed this last year when I took it as well, but since it was only 45 minutes long this time, it only gave me enough to whet my whistle.

  • I'd like to give a shout-out to Trillium Organics and their clementine-clove line--I ain't ever smelled nuthin' better, especially after emerging from the port-a-pots.

  • The sky was BRILLIANTLY clear tonight and I had the pleasure of watching it basked in the glow of fireworks and then bare as a baby's ass [later on]. The clearest I've EVER seen the milky way, no doubt. I only wish the skies were this clear and gorgeous back home.

  • I took a palmistry workshop--strangely enough the instructor [whose name I unfortunately have been unable to track down] is from Cleveland Hts. and we hit it off real well (as there were only five of us there). I've always loved palmistry and been intrigued by it ever since I was little. This woman had worked in Mexico for a lengthy time reading cards for a living but so many people expressed interest in palm readings that she decided to teach herself it. (Sidenote: It's loud tonight) I really enjoyed her energy and learning at least a TINY bit more about the whole palmistry thang.

  • I like sesame-seed rice cakes with natural peanut butter and honey on them a HELL of a lot.

  • Workshops I took today:

    Qigong (9:30 - 10:15);

    Palmistry (2:30 - 3:30).

    Performances I watched today:

    God-Dess and Tina G (which was actually a really good hip-hop show though I can't seem to find their web page);

    Jamie Anderson;

    Karen Williams (comedian);

    Rocio Mendoza (who is a DAMN hottie);

    Hothead Paisan (The First Act) by Animal Prufrock (formerly of Bitch & Animal.

    Day 6

    There may be nothing better than dark woods, a crystal clear night sky, and a head full of good thoughts.

    Workshops I went to today:

  • Michigan Festival Herstory and Lore.

  • Performances I saw today:

  • The kick-ass Bitch (formerly of Bitch & Animal);

  • The Dolly Ranchers;

  • JUCA;

  • Kate Clinton (comedian);

  • Laura Love.

  • Things I bartered at the Barter Market today and what I got in return:

  • Bartered a lamp --> got a large candle and one of those wooden statues of the man rolled up in a ball (hard to explain and I'm not sure what they're called exactly--you'd probably know 'em if you saw 'em).

  • Bartered a recipe-box full of recipes for organic/natural beauty products (such as facial scrubs, lip balms, etc.) --> got two homemade lip balms (cocoa butter flavors) and a lip gloss (orange-flavored) and two homemade edible oils *twirling moustache mischievously* (strawberry-chocolate and mango).

  • Bartered a roll of plaster-casting strips --> got a kick-ass pair of *drum roll* nipple clamps. S&M dungeon, here I come!
  • Labels:



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