...Not the kind of wheel you fall asleep at...

Misconceptions & Misunderstandings

Here are a few more misunderstandings about things that I've had throughout the course of my lifetime:

1. When I was little, I thought you could only see bridges when you were driving on them.

2. When I was younger, for the longest time, I thought oral sex was either "talking about doing it" or "talking about sex over the phone."

3. Up until college, sadly, I'd never realized that the spoken word "or-derves" (as in "appetizer") was the same thing as the written word "hors d'oeuvres." Whenever I read "hors d'oeuvres" in a book or something, I pronounced it "whores devores" in my head (i.e. "She walked around, leisurely passing out whores-devores at her party."). I never managed to equate the two until I was in college.

4. I never until a year ago realized that the pupil of the eye is in fact a hole. This creeps me out to no end. It's like an eye-anus. And then to top it off, the iris (aka. eye-sphincter) dilates or constricts depending on how much light it wants to take in. So when I stare deep into a person's eyes, I'm really staring deep into their hole. And their hole is the window to their soul. Sick stuff.
Read more about the wonderful world of squishy eyeballs here, here, and here.



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