It's been a lousy couple of days, and what always makes me feel better when I'm having a lousy day are lists of things that make me feel warm and fuzzy, so here goes.
- Knowing that Hot Guy Neighbor seems to go to bed at 10 at night, which seems so cute and early. Happening to catch that moment when his lights turn out. I don't know why, but this makes me feel extremely at peace. (And no, I'm not stalking the idiot. I just sit out on my roof a RIDICULOUS amount of my time home. Because I am a loser.)
- The little old guy a few houses down that came up to me with a huge grin on his face while I was trekking over to the corner store, and told me this story (in cutely broken English):
"I have to tell you story. I did someting sneaky wit your car one day."
*Getting a bit paranoid*
"You know how the light of the street was off on off on? [The one street light was broken and would turn off in 15 minute increments] I was so sneaky. When it is off one night, I *RUN* up to you car. It is so tiny. I run up to it, and I measure it wit my feet. I so nervous that someone see me. I measure wit my feet fast. Den I measure *my* car wit my feet. Your car: 11 of my feet! My car: 16 of my feet! And den I see you get out of dis car today, and I tink to myself, I must to tell her dis story. For so long I not know who's car dis is, dis tiny car. And so today I tell you story."
I laugh the hardest I've laughed in quite some time, as he grins to me proudly, with a cute little old-guy mouth only half-speckled with teeth. - The new Feist video, which is almost too darn cute for its own good.
- A gratuitously long and cutely awkward (in that Napoleon-Dynamite-esque kind of way) conversation about expired condiment packets that I had with the vegetarian boy who works in my building one day.
- Thinking of people I'm slightly afraid of or intimidated by asleep in their bed at night, vulnerabilities unmasked.
- How my cat Zooey came over to me last night while I was crying, squeaked inquisitively at me like she sometimes does, and hopped up on my chest for the first time in nearly a year. How she rubbed her face up against mine over and over and, when she finally got uncomfortable laying on my chest, how she climbed up on the arm of the couch right next to me, and once she got situated, reached out her paw and placed it very gently on my shoulder.