Why do you hate me so when all I ever try to do is love you?

...Not the kind of wheel you fall asleep at...
So I am finally at the end of my rope with this "reality television" bullshit.
For years we've made fun of my dad because of his clothes. Not what he wears (although the never-ending lineage of sweatpants is quite amusing) but how long he wears 'em. He hangs onto a shirt, wearing it fairly regularly and out in public, until it is just seconds from turning into dust. All someone would have to do is sneeze nearby and *POOF*--nekkid. He owned one t-shirt for so long and it got worn so thin in the chest-area that you could literally make out a nipple through the stretched and tired fabric that was desperately trying to hold itself together on the front. The front breast-pocket area of that shirt was like a spider-web with a little nipple crawling around on the underside of it. His sweatpants meet a similar demise. They limp around until the holes in the ass or the knees just become too much and my dad finally has to give in.
First off, the left lane is for the fast people, idjits.
Once when I was little, I had been swimming in Lake Erie with my brother. The waves were kind of choppy, so I was keeping an eye on him for my parents. All of the sudden, he dipped under into the waves. Ten... fifteen... twenty seconds passed and he still hadn't come back up for air. Panicking, I dove into the frothy waters and furiously searched for any sign of him. But instead, I came face to face with a Great White shark. He licked his lips and grinned at me. Afraid for my life, I panicked. I punched him as hard as I could in the nose. He immediately started bawling like a big ol' baby and I felt bad. He told me, "I was only trying to help you find your brother before they whisk him off to a watery grave!" "Who?" I asked. "The Jews!" he shouted, wiping away a few tears. Those lousy Jews, always kidnapping swimmers, I thought to myself. Then I saw one of them swiftly whisking away my brother along the lake's floor. I judo-chopped him in the shoulder and grabbed my brother before he knew what had even hit him. The shark, whose name was Robert Redgrave, Esquire, swooped us both up in the safety of his enormous mouth. He swam us back to the shore and dropped us off there. My parents never even found out that anything had happened.
This year I gave robots up for Lent.
Mondays suck and I couldn't think of anything interesting to write about. So instead I did a search of my name on google.com and here's what came up:
Maura has been my closest friend for the past 8+ years. We first met when we were roommates in a quad my freshman year in college. We've been close ever since. Yesterday Maura went into the hospital for kidney surgery. In honor of this brilliant, foxy, and courageous chick (and because her surgery got me thinking about how much she means to me and all the crazy shit we've shared), I'd like to list some of my favorite Maura-moments today. Enjoy.
So man alive, I had the weirdest dream about my sister this morning--it scared the living crap outta me... About her being little still and falling down an elevator shaft. Was probably the scariest dream I've had in a long time (thankfully). Anyways, why am I telling you this? Well, because my brain is kinda unfocused at the moment because of it, so if this blog today is incoherent, that may be why.
So do you remember Susan Powter? Susan Powter of the "STOP THE INSANITY" craze? Susan Powter who scared the living crap outta everybody by getting in their faces back in the '90's with her crazy platinum blond butch-cut, wirey-assed body, and big-mouth? Shouting about weight-loss? THIS woman:
If someone has any ideas, drop one in my comment section and perhaps (if I'm not too busy) I'll take the challenge.
1. Yet another thing I'm bothered by when it comes to religion is the implication that if it was not God who created the universe, the universe and its existence is somehow less beautiful. First off, I am bothered by the sheer fact that way too many religious folks can't even conceive of the fact that the universe might've came to be simply out of sheer accident. Read Chaos: Making a New Science by Gleick and you'll see that oftentimes order manifests itself in the strangest places, in circumstances that start off chaotic and then find some sorta of rhythm. To me, this is just as likely (or unlikely) and logical an explanation as "some sort of pre-existent being created the universe." And if the universe DID in fact come to be out of sheer randomness, some fluke, some order emerging from chaos, this doesn't reduce the beauty of the universe to me. This in fact makes it seem all the more beautiful--that something as complicated as this could've arrived out of all that chaos and that it could've developed to where it is now. Seems utterly miraculous.
My car done broke. No blogging today.
So yeah. I like to watch the Academy Awards. A terribly guilty pleasure for a film-aholic like me. Some might call me a chump or a sucker because of it. But I don't care.